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What is Christian Science?

“The law of God, The law of good…”*

This deeper understanding of God as infinite Love and unchanging goodness leads to prayer that can heal, redeem, and restore anyone.

**Mary Baker Eddy, the discover and founder of Christian Science

In the New Testament Jesus says...

 “Whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing and they will do even greater works than these …”

(John 14:12, New International Version)

Christian Scientists fully accept and believe
this promise by Jesus.

By following his teachings and understanding the spiritual laws he practiced, they are committed to spiritual healing that includes both physical cures of disease, dysfunction as well as transformation of lives.

Mary Baker Eddy’s textbook Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures shows how healings in the Bible were accomplished and how we can claim that same healing for ourselves our families and our world. ​

Visit our Wednesday evening testimony service and hear the many healings taking place in Cincinnati.


with Key to the Scriptures

This book explains Christian Science and its biblical foundation for spiritual regeneration and healing.